The Potential of a Dedicated Container Terminal at Paradip for Odisha’s Logistics Ecosystem

A dedicated container terminal at Paradip can arrest migration of containerised cargo to other ports
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Odisha, the third largest port in terms of cargo volume, currently lacks a dedicated container terminal and heavily relies on ports in Visakhapatnam and Kolkata for containerized cargo imports and exports. Setting up a container terminal at Paradip would greatly benefit the state, improving resource utilization, reducing idle time, boosting profitability, and creating job opportunities. The Paradip container terminal has the potential to bring approximately Rs 20,000 crore worth of business to Odisha, which currently benefits Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.

Eastern India, particularly Odisha, has emerged as a major metals manufacturing hub, and the establishment of a container terminal at Paradip is vital to support and sustain this growth. The Logistics Summit, organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry, aimed to provide a platform for industry stakeholders to discuss and plan for unleashing their true potential. Additionally, adopting eco-friendly transportation methods can lead to a significant reduction of 400 percent in carbon emissions, aligning with India’s Net Zero ambitions.

Reducing logistics costs by 10 percent has the potential to boost exports by 5 percent, according to the Federation of Indian Export Organizations. Therefore, the development of a dedicated container terminal at Paradip holds great promise for Odisha and the entire nation’s logistics ecosystem, contributing to the collective goal of an Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India).

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