MOL becomes the first shipping company to issue blue bonds

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Japanese shipping company MOL plans to issue a JPY10 billion ($70.3 million) blue bond with a five-year tenure to finance green projects aimed at solving environmental problems related to marine pollution and sustainable marine resources. The bonds have received the highest rating of “Blue1(F)” from the Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR) based on their expected positive environmental impact.

MOL has positioned its environmental strategy as a key element of its group management plan “BLUE ACTION 2035” and has set “marine and global environmental conservation” as one of its sustainability issues. The company plans to invest a total of $4.5 billion (JPY650 billion) in resolving environmental issues over the three-year period from FY2023 to FY2025 and will raise funds through blue bonds to finance these initiatives.

The blue bond issuance aligns with MOL’s commitment to environmental conservation and its efforts to address marine pollution and sustainable marine resources. The company’s focus on green projects and its dedication to environmental sustainability are reflected in its decision to issue blue bonds and its overall environmental strategy.

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