MOL Enhances Crew Welfare by Installing High-Quality Onboard Internet

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Japanese shipping company MOL has announced plans to install SpaceX’s Starlink satellite communication service on all its vessels. Trials of the system showed a significant improvement in communication speed, with up to a 50-fold increase, allowing seafarers to make video calls and watch videos. MOL will equip about 140 vessels with Starlink by the end of fiscal year 2023. The move comes as the shipping industry faces a shortage of seafarers, and MOL believes that improving onboard communication will enhance the well-being of its crew members.

MOL, along with Marlink AS, has prepared a white paper outlining the challenges of the current onboard communication environment and the benefits of low-orbit satellite communications like Starlink. The paper highlights the importance of quality internet access and improved connectivity for crew welfare. It identifies three key areas where enhanced connectivity can have a positive impact: allowing seafarers to stay in touch with loved ones, access online training and professional development resources, and improve medical support and entertainment options onboard.

By providing reliable, high-speed connectivity even in remote regions, LEO networks can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness for seafarers. Access to online training and resources can enhance the skills of maritime professionals and contribute to a highly skilled workforce. LEO satellite networks also enable remote medical consultations and support, as well as expanding entertainment options for crew members through streaming services and digital resources.

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