New ABS requirements for liquid hydrogen carriers pose a challenge

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Classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has published new rules for liquid hydrogen carriers to support the projected market demands in transporting hydrogen fuel. The safety and technical standards are specifically for liquid hydrogen carriers transporting liquified hydrogen and expand on the corresponding IMO Resolution MSC.420(97) adopted in November 2016. The publication provides further support on criteria including risk assessment, cargo containment, pressure piping systems, fire protection, ventilation, and novel concepts. ABS Vice President Gareth Burton stated that the marine industry has increased its interest in hydrogen as a zero-emission fuel and the ability to produce hydrogen from renewable and sustainable sources.

The new requirements for liquid hydrogen carriers are an expansion of ABS’ efforts to support interest in hydrogen as a marine fuel. In addition to these requirements, ABS has also released an expansive set of requirements to guide the marine industry in the use of hydrogen-fueled vessels. The purpose of the Requirements for Hydrogen Fueled Vessels document released by ABS is to provide “Classification requirements, standards and criteria for the arrangements, construction, installation and survey of machinery, equipment and systems for vessels operating with hydrogen as fuel to minimize risks to the vessel, crew and the environment.” ABS is also leading a study for the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) on key aspects of decarbonizing the shipping industry, focusing on sustainable technologies such as biofuels, ammonia, wind-assisted propulsion, and air lubrication.

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