New study confirms fuel savings from Norsepower rotor sails and weather guidance

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Norsepower Rotor Sails, a modernised version of the Flettner rotor, can reduce fuel consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions, according to a study by marine software expert NAPA and Sumitomo Heavy Industries Marine & Engineering. The companies worked with Norsepower to evaluate fuel saving and emissions reduction via rotor sails and NAPA Voyage Optimisation on one of Sumitomo’s vessels. The companies found integrating NAPA Voyage Optimisation with Norsepower Rotor Sail could reduce CO2 emissions by an average of 28% on the Atlantic route from New York to Amsterdam. NAPA Voyage Optimisation contributed approximately 12% to these CO2 savings.
The project used NAPA’s ship performance model, voyage simulation tools and real-world performance data from Norsepower. The simulation focused on the annual voyages of six popular trade routes and found that the NAPA Voyage Optimisation and Norsepower Rotor Sails combination could result in an average 19% CO2 reduction compared to using NAPA Voyage Optimisation alone. The joint study provided insights and informed decision support already during the design phase for investing in wind-assist technology, especially as the industry faces increasing pressure to decarbonise.

The second phase of the research project, beginning in May 2023, will expand on the initial findings and optimise ship performance with Norsepower Rotor Sails using fleet data. Advanced performance analysis will be performed to increase operational efficiencies and explore new optimisation strategies. The project outcomes could provide valuable insights for the maritime industry in its efforts to align with sustainability goals.

Tags: decarbonization,flettner Rotor,norsepower


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