Increment in Uncertified Female Officers Shown in UK Seafarer Statistics

The UK Department for Transport's official statistics for seafarers in the UK Shipping Industry in 2024 revealed a total of 23,700 active UK seafarers, with a slight decrease from the previous year. The majority were male, with higher female representation among Uncertificated Officers and Ratings. The data also showed variations in nationality, gender, age, and certification.
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The UK Department for Transport’s official statistics for seafarers in the UK Shipping Industry in 2024 estimated that 23,700 UK seafarers were active at sea, showing a 2% decrease from the previous year. The breakdown by type included 10,620 Certificated Officers, 9,880 Ratings, 1,700 Uncertificated Officers, and 1,500 Officer Cadets. The majority of UK seafarers working for companies within the UK Chamber of Shipping membership were male, with higher female representation among Uncertificated Officers and Ratings.

In terms of nationality, gender, and age, there were 14,550 certificated officers from the UK in 2024, with the majority holding CoCs. The data showed a slight decrease in the number of UK nationals holding deck and engine certificates compared to the previous year. Additionally, the statistics revealed that more non-EEA officers held certificates in 2024 compared to EEA officers. The majority of UK Officers with CoCs were men, with variations between deck and engineering officers.

The age and sex profiles of UK seafarers active at sea in 2024 indicated that 48% were aged 40 to 61, with deck Ratings being older on average compared to other seafarers. The majority of UK seafarers were male, especially among certificated Officers. The data also highlighted an increase in female representation among uncertificated Officers in the catering/hotel/other department. Overall, the statistics provided insights into the demographics of UK seafarers active at sea within the UK Chamber of Shipping membership.



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