Nikolaus Schües elected BIMCO President

Nikolaus Schües elected BIMCO President
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Nikolaus H. Schues, CEO and owner of shipper F. Laeisz, has been elected as President of BIMCO, the world’s largest shipping association, at the organization’s annual general meeting in Hong Kong. Schues, who takes over from Sabrina Chao of Wah Kwong Maritime Transport Holdings Limited, has become the first German citizen to hold the position since 2011. He aims to digitize and optimize shipping, with a focus on reducing the industry’s carbon footprint through digital solutions that are already available. Schues joined F. Laeisz in 1993 and is a member of the Presidential Committee of the German Shipowners’ Association and Deputy Chairman of the UK P&I Club. The term of office for BIMCO Presidents is two years. The outgoing President remains on the Board for an additional two years as Immediate Past President.

Schues believes BIMCO has a crucial role to play in the decarbonization of shipping and intends to focus on ready-to-use digital solutions that aim to bridge the gap until the development of clean fuels. He is also interested in supporting the implementation of eco-friendly shipping solutions to minimize the industry’s environmental impact. Schues aims to stir the organization towards a future that is ready to incorporate upcoming trends and new technologies that can lead to better operational capacity in the shipping industry.

Paul Pathy of Fednav International Ltd, Canada, was elected President-elect at the same meeting. The BIMCO presidency rotates every two years, with the President-elect sitting on the Board before standing for the presidential election. The outgoing President will continue to serve on the Board as Immediate Past President for two years before taking on an ex officio position. Schues will take up the role of President-designate for the next two years.

BIMCO represents more than 60% of the world’s shipping tonnage. By working with its members, including shipowners, ship brokers, and operators, BIMCO aims to tackle the challenges and opportunities that the industry faces in the areas of digitalization, decarbonization and corporate responsibility. BIMCO provides training and support programs, research, and market analysis to facilitate the growth and development of the shipping industry.


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