NYK Achieves ISO Certification for Crew Transfer Vessel

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NYK, a Japanese shipping company, has received ISO9001:20151 certification for its efforts to promote safe operations of its crew transfer vessel (CTV) in the offshore wind industry. The company plans to implement NAV90004 activities, which are based on their own safety standard NAV9000, to further enhance quality control and navigation safety. This includes over 1,500 items compiled by NYK to meet customer requirements and prevent accidents. NYK regularly conducts NAV9000 activities on its vessels to ensure high quality and effective operational management.

The NAV9000 activities had previously obtained certification in 2006, but NYK submitted an application for additional certification to include domestic vessels, including the CTV, in the scope of the application. By achieving ISO9001:20151 certification, NYK demonstrates its commitment to maintaining high safety standards and providing quality services in the offshore wind industry.

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