Odfjell Installs Suction Sails on Chemical Tanker

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Odfjell, a chemical tanker company, has announced plans to install bound4blue’s eSAIL wind-assisted propulsion technology on one of its vessels. This will make Odfjell the first tanker company in the world to utilize this innovative system. The eSAIL system uses a suction sail to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, harnessing energy from the ship itself and transforming it into forward thrust. The installation is set to be completed in 2024.

Odfjell’s decision to partner with bound4blue was supported by an extensive study conducted by SSPA, which evaluated various wind-assisted propulsion systems for the Odfjell fleet. The collaboration with bound4blue demonstrates Odfjell’s commitment to decarbonization and sustainability in the shipping sector. The company has been actively working on energy efficiency measures to reduce emissions, and the installation of suction sails is expected to further improve their fleet’s environmental performance.

Both Odfjell and bound4blue are excited about this partnership and believe that their joint efforts will bring significant value to the industry. Odfjell’s reputation as an innovative and sustainable company makes them an ideal partner for bound4blue’s first-ever installation in the tanker segment. The collaboration is seen as a step towards a more sustainable shipping industry and a demonstration of Odfjell’s dedication to using fewer resources and reducing emissions.

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