Ship damaged near Mokha, Yemen amid Houthi attacks

A ship near Yemen was damaged by an explosion but the crew is safe, heading to the next port. The UKMTO reported the incident, attributing it to Iran-backed Houthi fighters attacking international ships in solidarity with Palestinians. The disruption has led to longer shipping routes and US-British responses against Houthi targets.
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A ship was damaged by an explosion near Mokha in Yemen, but the crew is safe and continuing to their next port, according to the UK Maritime Trade Operations Agency. The incident occurred while a Malta-flagged container ship was reportedly attacked with three missiles on its way to Jeddah from Djibouti. Houthi fighters, backed by Iran, have been using drones and missiles to target international ships in the Red Sea region in response to Israeli military actions in Gaza.

The attack on the ship is believed to be linked to the operator’s trade with Israel, according to British maritime security firm Ambrey. These attacks have disrupted global shipping routes, leading to longer and more expensive voyages through southern Africa. As a response to the Houthi attacks, the US and Britain have carried out attacks on Houthi targets.

The ongoing conflicts in the Red Sea region have put international merchant ships at risk and have prompted heightened security measures to ensure the safety of crew and cargo. Companies are facing challenges due to the disruptions in their shipping routes, causing delays and increased costs in navigating through the region. The situation remains volatile, with ongoing tensions that require continued monitoring and intervention to ensure the safety of maritime trade.

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