Visakhapatnam Port Authority Sets New Record in Handling Bulk Cargo

Visakhapatnam port handles record quantities of alumina
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Visakhapatnam Port Authority (VPA) set a new record by handling 7,639 tonnes of bulk cargo, including 637 tonnes of calcined alumina in bulk from M/S. Utkal Alumina International Limited. This surpassed the previous record of 7,549 tonnes set in November 2023, with the cargo being loaded onto vessel MV HPC Future at East Quay-3.

Port Secretary T. Venugopal described the achievement as a remarkable hat-trick by stevedores M/s. Sravan Shipping Private Limited and M/s. Eswar Shipping Services, with the latter serving as the steamship agent for the vessel. This record-setting production in 2023-24 is a significant accomplishment for the port.

VPA Chairman Dr. M Angamuthu commended the stevedores, steamer agents, and port traffic manager B Ratna Sekhara Rao for their efforts, expressing confidence that more records would be set at VPA to meet the ministry’s objectives.

The VPA achieved a new record by handling 7,639 tonnes of bulk cargo, including calcined alumina in bulk. This surpassed the previous record set in November 2023 and is considered a significant accomplishment for the port. The chairman of VPA praised the employees and expressed confidence that more records would be achieved to meet the ministry’s objectives.

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