Rescue of Distressed Fisherman by Seafarers off Pangasinan

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A Filipino fisherman was rescued by Filipino seafarers off the coast of Agno, Pangasinan on November 18, 2023. The fisherman had been reported missing after his boat submerged the day before. The crew members of a Hong Kong-flagged cargo vessel, MV Deryoung Space, spotted the distressed fisherman floating in the water and conducted a rescue operation. The survivor had been eating styrofoam to survive.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) commended the Filipino seafarers for their humanitarian act and professionalism in saving their fellow fisherman. The PCG had immediately informed transiting vessels in the area about the missing fishermen, and the crew of MV Deryoung Space was able to rescue one of them. The rescued fisherman was reunited with his family, while a search and rescue operation was ongoing to find the remaining missing fisherman.

The rescued fisherman had been eating styrofoam to survive, and the crew of MV Deryoung Space, who happened to be Filipinos, spotted him while their vessel was changing course to avoid a typhoon. The PCG recognized the crew’s exemplary professionalism and the humanitarian act of saving the fisherman, emphasizing that in Philippine waters, seafarers are everyday heroes.

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