Roadshow through India showcasing Port of Antwerp-Bruges International

Port of Antwerp-Bruges International roadshow through India
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In an effort to strengthen trade relations and cooperation between India and Belgium, Mr. Koen Cornilly, the Manager of Antwerp-Bruges International Port, embarked on a high-profile roadshow across key Indian cities. The tour began in Delhi, where Mr. Cornilly participated in the Indo-Belgian seminar organized by the Belgian Embassy. The seminar aimed to highlight Belgium’s position as an important economic center in Europe and explore opportunities for bilateral trade expansion. Mr. Cornilly’s presence and insights greatly contributed to discussions on economic cooperation between the two nations.

The roadshow continued in Mumbai, where Mr. Cornilly attended the Global Maritime India Summit as a distinguished speaker. He emphasized the Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ role in international maritime trade and its commitment to sustainable practices. He also met with authorities of leading states to discuss the port’s capabilities and potential role in supporting industry-led port development. The largest integrated chemical cluster in Europe is located in Antwerp, making it a unique and diverse industry hub.

During the roadshow, Mr. Cornilly held meetings with industry leaders to explore potential collaborations, investments, and business opportunities between Indian companies and the Port of Antwerp-Bruges. He highlighted the port’s commitment to sustainability, digitalization, and innovation, aligning with India’s aspirations for growth in the maritime sector. Overall, the roadshow aimed to promote closer trade ties and deepen relationships between India and Belgium by showcasing the port’s expertise and collaborative spirit.

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