Seafarer Happiness Declines in Q2 2023, Highlighting Industry Challenges

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The Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) report for Quarter 2, 2023, published by The Mission to Seafarers, shows a decline in overall happiness among seafarers. The survey, conducted in partnership with NorthStandard and Idwal, measures seafarers’ wellbeing through ten key questions. The report reveals a decrease in happiness levels from 7.1/10 to 6.77/10 compared to the previous quarter. The decline is observed across all question areas, with the most significant drops in general crew happiness, shore leave, and workload. Seafarers expressed struggles with working and living conditions not returning to pre-pandemic standards, crew changes, time spent on board, wages, and shore leave. The lack of available drinking water and limited opportunities for shore leave are major concerns. The report calls for standardized protocols and more shore leave opportunities, fair and timely adjustments to wages, and improvements to seafarers’ working conditions and wellbeing.

The Mission to Seafarers, along with industry partners, is committed to using the SHI report as a tool to address seafarers’ challenges and improve their welfare. An Executive Roundtable on Crew Welfare was held recently to identify effective solutions, and further progress will be made during London International Shipping Week in September 2023. The Mission aims to find actionable solutions that enhance seafarers’ overall well-being, safety, and quality of life.

Reference Source: Google News .


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