Crew Member from German Cruise Ship AIDAPerla Missing in English Channel: Search Efforts Unsuccessful

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In a tragic incident, a crew member from the German cruise ship AIDAPerla has gone missing in the English Channel. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) was alerted and sent out two all-weather lifeboats to search for the crew member. The HM Coastguard also joined the search, deploying a helicopter and a search and rescue aeroplane with high-tech radar capabilities. Despite their efforts, the crew member could not be located and his whereabouts remain unknown. The search was eventually called off after it became apparent that the chances of survival were slim, especially as darkness fell and the temperature of the English Channel was around 14 degrees Celsius.

The German cruise operator stated that there was reason to believe the missing person was a crew member after a search of the ship revealed his absence. Tracking data showed the AIDAPerla passing Lydd on the south coast before turning around and heading back out past the east Kent coast. An announcement from the ship’s captain informed passengers that the Coastguard had cancelled the search due to the diminishing chances of finding the crew member. The ship continued on its course along the south coast of England.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has been asked to confirm the reports that the search has been cancelled. This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the dangers faced by crew members at sea and the importance of safety measures and protocols to prevent such incidents from occurring.

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