Seychelles to Chair CGIMA to Combat Maritime Illicit Activities

Seychelles will assume the Chair of the Contact Group on Illicit Maritime Activities (CGIMA) following the second plenary meeting on September 5, 2024. With a focus on combating piracy and ensuring maritime security, Seychelles will collaborate with partners to address threats in the Western Indian Ocean. This leadership underscores the country's commitment to promoting stability in the region.
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Seychelles will take over as the Chair of the Contact Group on Illicit Maritime Activities (CGIMA) after the group’s second plenary meeting on September 5, 2024. The Republic of Kenya, the current Chair, has been in this role since January 2020 and has been instrumental in coordinating efforts to combat piracy and ensure maritime security. This will be Seychelles’ second time leading the Contact Group, having previously chaired it in 2009 when it was focused on piracy off the coast of Somalia.

Given the resurgence of piracy off the coast of Somalia, Seychelles will collaborate with regional and international partners to address this threat. Additionally, they will work on combating other illicit maritime activities such as drug and human trafficking to maintain safety and security in the Western Indian Ocean. The country’s leadership in the Contact Group underscores its commitment to addressing maritime challenges and promoting stability in the region.

Seychelles’ role as Chair of the CGIMA signifies its dedication to addressing maritime security threats and illicit activities in the region. By leading efforts to combat piracy and other criminal activities at sea, Seychelles aims to enhance safety and security in the Western Indian Ocean. The country’s experience in chairing similar groups in the past demonstrates its capability to effectively coordinate regional and international efforts in combating maritime threats.



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