Simple Digital Tool Improves Safety at Norwegian Offshore Shipyard

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Aker Solutions, a company previously known for its physical suggestion boxes, has developed a customised digital solution in collaboration with researchers from SINTEF. The new solution, in the form of a mobile app and computer software, has greatly improved communication and opened up new project follow-up opportunities. The app allows employees to easily suggest improvements by taking a photo or video and entering keywords. The app’s user-friendly interface and ease of use have resulted in increased use and the successful implementation of improvement work. With the old suggestion box system, good ideas were often missed as it required employees to physically write down and submit their suggestions.

The new digital suggestion box has proven to be effective in bringing forth long-standing issues and finding solutions for improvement. For example, employees have suggested using leather covers for welding cushions to prevent frequent replacements, changing airflow direction on welding helmets to make them more comfortable, and painting fire extinguisher signs for increased visibility. Additionally, the system supports AKSO’s collaboration model, involving employee representatives and working committees in deciding which improvement initiatives to prioritize. The digital system provides a tool for gathering relevant information and supports company democracy.

The digital suggestion box enhances user participation by providing visibility to all suggestions and enabling comments, status updates, and voting for good ideas. Furthermore, the system serves as a valuable knowledge database that can be used for training and sharing across projects, disciplines, and yards. To encourage participation, the app incorporates social media functions, teaming up with software developer FunkWorks. The development process involved close collaboration with end users, allowing them to provide suggestions, test solutions, and familiarize themselves with the new system. The success of the digital suggestion box in Aker Solutions demonstrates the potential benefits it could bring to other large enterprises and public institutions. Although implementing such a tool takes time, the long-term outcomes justify the effort.

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