Singapore Port Authority Prepares for Increased Ship Traffic Amid Red Sea Crisis

Singapore plans to open closed terminals to overcome port congestion
Since late 2023, with the crisis in the Red Sea causing ships to be diverted via the Cape of Good Hope, Singapore's Port Authority is gearing up for more arrivals. The Keppel Terminal will reopen to boost container handling, and new berths will be added to accommodate increased traffic, reducing ship waiting times.
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Since late 2023, the Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Ministry of Transport (MOT) have been preparing for an increase in ships arriving at the port due to the crisis in the Red Sea. To accommodate the additional traffic, plans are in place to reopen the Keppel Terminal and commission three new berths at Tuas Port. The goal is to increase the port’s container handling capacity from 770,000 TEU to 820,000 TEU per week.

Industry estimates suggest that ships currently have to wait longer to dock at the terminal, with some waiting up to five days. To address this issue, the MPA and PSA are working to inform mainline and feeder operators of berth availability and arrival times to reduce ships’ lay time. These efforts aim to expedite the handling of cargo and maintain schedules for container lines.

As more container lines are choosing to unload their containers in Singapore, traffic at the port has increased. The MPA has highlighted the confidence that container lines have in the port’s cargo handling capabilities, which allow for efficient management of stowing containers on vessels. The commissioning of new berths and increased container handling capacity will help support the growing demand at the port.

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