Storm Daniel Causes Closure of Four Major Oil Ports in Libya

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Libya has temporarily closed four major oil ports as a precautionary measure due to Storm Daniel, which made landfall in northeastern Libya on Sunday. The affected ports, including Ras Lanuf, Zueitina, Brega, and Es Sidra, are expected to remain closed for at least three days. The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advised its affiliated companies to be on maximum alert and take necessary precautions to ensure safety and protect industrial units, production lines, and storage units.

Last week, Storm Daniel caused destruction in Greece, Bulgaria, and Turkey before moving south into Libya. The storm has been hovering over the Mediterranean Sea for nearly a week and has developed into a tropical-like depression. This rare event is expected to bring warm temperatures, heavy rain, strong winds, and waves turbulence. High-speed winds of 49-74 mph and heavy rainfall of 50-250 mm pose a significant risk of torrential floods. The Arab Weather Center warns of rough seas along the Libyan coast, with the possibility of limited coastal flooding.

The closure of the oil ports in Libya is a precautionary measure to protect against potential damage caused by Storm Daniel. The NOC has urged affiliated companies to monitor port and shipping movements and take all necessary measures to maintain safety. The storm, which has already caused destruction in other parts of the Mediterranean, is expected to bring heavy rain, strong winds, and the risk of flooding to northeastern Libya. This rare event has prompted the declaration of a state of maximum alert and the closure of major oil ports.

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