Sydrogen Energy and Pyxis Maritime Collaborate on Hydrogen Fuel Cells

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Pyxis Maritime, a start-up specializing in maritime electrification technology, has partnered with fuel cell components manufacturer Sydrogen Energy to accelerate the decarbonization of the maritime sector. The two companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly conduct a Proof of Concept (PoC) study on the deployment of hydrogen fuel cell solutions. The goal is to develop solutions for the maritime harbor craft ecosystem and help achieve Singapore’s electrification goals and become Net Zero. Through this partnership, Pyxis and Sydrogen Energy aim to position Singapore as a leader in maritime decarbonization in the region.

Tommy Phun, Founder and CEO of Pyxis, recognizes the challenges faced by coastal vessel owners and operators in transitioning to an electric fleet. He believes that mass commercialization of electrification technologies will help ease and boost adoption. The partnership with Sydrogen Energy brings together two homegrown companies to drive the transition towards hydrogen fuel cells in the maritime industry. This aligns with the Singapore National Hydrogen Strategy, which aims to accelerate the transition to Net Zero using hydrogen as a key pathway.

Overall, the collaboration between Pyxis Maritime and Sydrogen Energy seeks to explore the potential of hydrogen fuel cells for broader maritime applications and contribute to the decarbonization of the maritime sector in Singapore.

Reference Source: Google News .


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