The Black Sea Gain Corridor has not yet resumed operations

The Black Sea Gain Corridor has not yet resumed operations
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Despite an extension of the Black Sea grain corridor deal between Turkey, Russia and Ukraine, the initiative has not yet restarted, according to a senior Ukrainian official. The deal was extended for two months following concerns over obstacles to Russian grain and fertiliser exports, and 62 ships are currently ready for inspection on the premise that the deal will resume. Moscow has expressed concern over a list of demands including an end to Western obstacles to Russian grain and fertiliser exports. Russia also wants boat and machinery delivery to be resumed and its assets and accounts involved in fertiliser and food exports to be released.

However, Ukrainian Deputy Recovery Minister Yuriy Vaskov stated that Ukraine is not linking Russia’s demands to the Black Sea Grains Initiative since neither Ukraine nor Turkey have signed any agreements with Russia. Vaskov has urged that appropriate steps should also be taken towards Ukrainian producers and that Russian demands regarding the ammonia pipeline should be viewed in terms of Ukraine’s benefit. The deal is important since Ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters globally.


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