The Power of Digital Tools Now Matches Greater ESG Accountability

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The shipping industry is undergoing a major cultural shift driven by technological advancements and increasing pressure to demonstrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) credentials. The industry now has access to vast amounts of data collected on board ships, which can be used to not only report on but also improve performance. This data revolution is transforming the way maritime businesses operate, from strategic decision-making to daily vessel operations. It has the potential to improve various aspects of operations, including voyage optimization, fuel efficiency, waste management, equipment safety, and even HVAC efficiency and resource management.

Electronic logbooks are an often overlooked but valuable tool for data collection in the ESG era. They can be tailored to a company’s specific needs and provide insights into technical, voyage, environmental, and waste management aspects of operations. Columbia Cruise Services (CCS) is a ship management company that adopted the Napa Logbook to monitor and act on its ESG commitments. By utilizing the logbook, CCS has been able to capture and analyze data on vessel performance, water tank balance, fuel efficiency, ballast conditions, and voyage performance. They are now looking to expand their use of digital insights in areas such as crew situational awareness and carbon impact measurement.

However, despite the availability of data, many companies are not fully utilizing it due to fragmentation and lack of structure. Implementing a more systematic approach to data compilation and management, such as using electronic logbooks, is crucial. Streamlined data collection and integration will enable companies to make sense of the data and inform decision-making. The digital era is supporting significant transitions in the shipping industry, reshaping culture, business practices, and decision-making processes. It is not just about fuel savings and efficiency gains but also about creating a culture fit for the ESG era, with collaboration and safety at the forefront. The digital transformation in maritime is just the beginning.

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