Three crew members perish on bulk carrier after entering cargo hold

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A bulker sailing in the northern part of the Philippines bound for Singapore requested assistance from the Philippine Coast Guard after three crewmembers were found unconscious and later pronounced deceased. The cause of death is likely due to toxic fumes or asphyxia, highlighting the danger of entering closed tanks or holds on a cargo ship.

The Marshall Island-registered dry bulk carrier Blue Cecil radioed for assistance after the crewmembers were found unconscious. The 32,564 dwt bulker was on the return leg of a trip that had taken it to the United States in October, and its last port was Portland, Oregon on November 13. It is unclear if the vessel was loaded during this trip.

The vessel diverted to Manila where it remains at anchor, and the bodies of the crewmembers were transported to shore by a Coast Guard cutter. The shipping company has made arrangements for the deceased individuals, and the Philippines authorities are investigating the circumstances of their death.

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