Trainee Died After Being Trapped by Steel Plates: Report

Trainee Died After Being Trapped By
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Germany’s Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation (BSU) has released its Interim Investigation Report concerning the tragic incident that took place on board the bulk carrier vessel Peter Oldendorff on August 3, 2022. The accident occurred while the ship was undergoing cargo operations at a berth in the port of Mukran, Germany. A crewmember, who was a fitter-trainee, was performing welding work in the ship’s steering gear room. To carry out the task, a plate needed to be removed from a stack, which was stored vertically in a corner of the room. However, the stack toppled over, trapping and ultimately causing the death of the trainee.

The stack of plates, consisting of steel plates measuring approximately 300cm x 130cm x 1cm and weighing around 300 kg each, was secured with a cross strut and a screw connection to prevent it from falling. Due to the size and weight of the plates, the trainee was supposed to be assisted by members of the deck crew. However, at that time, these crewmembers were occupied with other duties, leaving the trainee to work alone.

The accident came to light when another crewmember entered the steering gear room for a technical check and found the trainee stuck and unconscious between the overturned stack of plates and a shelf on the ship’s side. Despite immediate rescue efforts, involving alerting the crew, freeing the victim from the debris, resuscitation attempts, and medical treatment by an emergency physician, the trainee did not regain consciousness and passed away approximately 30 minutes after being discovered.

The BSU investigation is nearing completion, and the agency is currently compiling the final investigation report. In a recreation of the incident using a mannequin, investigators observed that the stack could easily tip to the side with significant force, making it extremely difficult for someone to escape and free themselves. This tragic accident highlights the importance of proper safety measures and teamwork during ship operations to prevent similar incidents and protect the lives of crew members.

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