Yanmar Announces Marine Hydrogen Fuel Cell System

Yanmar Announces Marine Hydrogen Fuel Cell System
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Yanmar Power Technology has successfully developed and launched its marine hydrogen fuel cell system. This innovative system is specifically designed for passenger ships, work boats, and cargo ships that operate in coastal areas where hydrogen refueling is readily available. Yanmar played an active role in the development of safety guidelines for hydrogen fuel cell ships in Japan, as well as in formulating a roadmap for hydrogen usage in the shipping sector. Additionally, the company conducted thorough testing, including demonstrations on test boats and high-pressure hydrogen filling tests reaching up to 70 MPa.

One of the main advantages of Yanmar’s marine hydrogen fuel cell system is its ability to achieve zero emissions of CO2, NOx, SOx, and PM. In addition to being environmentally friendly, the system is low in vibration and noise. The gas valve unit is conveniently integrated into the system housing, making it easy to install on the ship’s hull. The standard system has a power output rating of 300kW and weighs just 3 tons. Furthermore, the marine hydrogen fuel cell module has received Basic Design Approval (AiP) from ClassNK, with further applications currently being processed.

With the commercialization of its marine hydrogen fuel cell system, Yanmar is contributing to the advancement of clean and sustainable shipping. By utilizing hydrogen fuel cell technology, the company is addressing the pressing issues of air and water pollution caused by traditional ship engines. As hydrogen replenishment is relatively accessible in coastal areas, this system is particularly well-suited for vessels operating in these regions. Yanmar’s commitment to developing hydrogen solutions for the shipping industry is evident in its involvement in safety guidelines and the pursuit of technological advancements in this field.

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