Crew Mirror Digest 15-2023

Costa Serena to homeport in Mumbai
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Maritime News from 19 Jun 2023 to 25 Jun 2023: –
TSB Launches Investigation into Fatal Dive of Titanium Dive Boat near Titanic Wreck
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) has initiated a formal investigation into the loss of the titanium Dive boat that had five individuals on board. A team of TSB investigators is currently traveling to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador to gather information, conduct interviews, and assess the incident. The…
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MOL and Chevron Form Alliance for Greener Shipping and Decarbonization Technologies
Japanese shipping company Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) and Chevron have announced a strategic alliance to reduce the carbon intensity of marine fuels and explore decarbonization technologies in shipping. The partnership aims to jointly research next-generation fuels, safety measures, and potential business opportunities for a lower carbon future. Chevron aims to…
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The Future of the Shipping Industry: Decarbonization and Economic Benefits
During Marine Money Week in New York, Hamish Norton, President of Star Bulk Carriers, discussed the current state and future trends in the shipping industry. Norton expressed confidence in a positive change, attributing it to decarbonization rules. He believes that these rules will render the least fuel-efficient vessels economically unusable…
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Understanding Safety Data Sheets: What You Need to Know for Shipping
Not all shipments require safety data sheets. Safety data sheets are only necessary to demonstrate that the shipment does not contain dangerous goods. Each country has different requirements regarding the need for an MSDS, so it is important for shipping companies to ensure compliance with international shipping laws. When transporting…
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Opportunities and Challenges in Cyber Security for the Maritime Sector
Cyber security in the maritime industry comes with its fair share of challenges and opportunities. While there are serious issues such as high costs, lack of resources, inconsistent guidance, and an indistinct path forward, this article focuses on the opportunities and the first step to capitalize on them. The first…
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Columbia Shipmanagement Partners with Oceanly to Enhance Vessel Performance and Compliance
Columbia Shipmanagement has agreed to install Oceanly Performance solution on board its ships. This move comes as the company aims to provide a high level of service to its customers, ensuring compliance with emission and reporting regulations. The CEO of Columbia Group, Mark O’Neil, expressed his confidence in the software,…
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Safety Concerns Raised Over Missing Submersible That Descended to Titanic Wreck
A submersible vessel carrying a pilot and four passengers has gone missing during a deep ocean journey to view the wreckage of the Titanic. Experts had previously raised safety concerns about the vessel, as it lacked certification from recognized authorities such as the American Bureau of Shipping and the European…
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Leveraging AI-powered language models to enhance maritime safety and professionalism.
Safety and professionalism are crucial in the maritime industry to ensure smooth operations and minimize risks. With advancements in technology, large language models like ChatGPT and Bard have the potential to assist seafarers in carrying out their tasks safely and professionally. These tools can be utilized in various ways to…
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Costa Serena to Set Sail from Mumbai to Goa and Lakshadweep, Offering Domestic Cruising Options in India
Costa Cruises has announced that their ship, Costa Serena, will be sailing from Mumbai to Goa and Lakshadweep. The announcement was made by Sarbandana Sonowal, the Union Minister of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways, along with other senior officials. Sonowal expressed India’s potential for coastal, ocean, and river cruising, citing the…
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Collaboration Agreements Signed to Develop Ammonia Engines and Train Seafarers in New Fuels
MISC’s tanker arm AET and training school Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM) have signed a collaboration agreement with engine manufacturer WinGD to develop ammonia-fueled engines and ammonia dual-fuel engines. This agreement not only aims to advance ammonia engine technology but also plays a crucial role in training and developing seafarers to…
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UN Adopts Legally Binding Treaty for High Seas Biodiversity Protection
The United Nations’ 193 Member States have finally reached an agreement on the High Seas Treaty, a legally binding marine biodiversity agreement. After almost two decades of intense negotiations, the treaty was adopted by the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ). The treaty aims to…
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NewSpace India to Install Satellite Terminals for Improved Communication in Indian Waters
NewSpace India Ltd, the commercial arm of the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), is undertaking a project to improve communication with vessels in the sea and enhance monitoring of Indian waters. The company plans to install mobile satellite service (MSS) terminals on approximately 100,000 motorised and fishing boats across 13…
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IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) to Adopt Upgraded Greenhouse Gas Strategy
The 80th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) is set to take place from July 3-7 at the IMO Headquarters in London. One of the main agenda items for this session is the adoption of an upgraded IMO greenhouse gas (GHG) strategy. The revised strategy will include…
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USHUS: Cochin Shipyard’s Startup Support Program Accelerating Maritime Innovation and Growth in India
USHUS is a startup support program initiated by Cochin Shipyard Limited in collaboration with IIMK LIVE. The objective of this program is to contribute to the Indian government’s efforts to foster and nurture a thriving ecosystem for Maritime Startups in the country. By participating in this program, startups will gain…
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Record Growth in India’s Maritime Sector Under PM Modi’s Infrastructure Initiatives
Under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi, the maritime sector has experienced remarkable growth and development through infrastructure shaping. In May of this year, major ports in India handled a total of 68.06 million tons (MT) of cargo, marking a 3.2% increase from the previous year, according to the Indian…
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