Announcement: Technip Energies Launches Clean Maritime Challenge

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Technip Energies and Elemental Excelerator have partnered to launch the Technip Energies Clean Maritime Challenge, an initiative aimed at finding innovative solutions to decarbonize the maritime transportation industry. The partnership is seeking companies that can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector, with the goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The challenge is part of Elemental Excelerator’s Innovation Challenges program, which allows climate tech companies to pitch their solutions to prominent energy companies. The maritime industry is under increasing pressure to address its carbon emissions, and this open call provides an opportunity for companies to showcase their innovative solutions to reduce the CO2 footprint in the marine sector. The focus of the challenge is on large-scale cargo ships and cruise ships, with the aim of piloting and implementing low-carbon or zero-carbon fuels, as well as emissions measurement and management solutions. The selected solutions should not only contribute to decarbonization but also improve efficiency and reduce operating expenses. Technip Energies is excited about the project as it presents an opportunity to discover new technologies, companies, and ideas. The open call encourages entrepreneurs, start-ups, and organizations to submit their ideas and proposals, with the chosen ones benefiting from funding and collaboration opportunities.

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