Maritime labour unions in Argentina halt port activities for 48 hours

Maritime labour unions in Argentina have halted port activities for 48 hours due to a contract dispute with the Tugboat Owners Chamber. The United Maritime Workers Union expressed frustration with the lack of negotiations, leading to the temporary work stoppage. The impact on the maritime industry remains uncertain, emphasizing the need for a resolution to ensure smooth operations.
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Maritime labour unions in Argentina have declared a 48-hour halt to all port activities, as announced on Thursday. The United Maritime Workers Union made the decision after the Tugboat Owners Chamber (C.A.R.) refused to engage in negotiations regarding an expired bargaining agreement. This refusal led the union to take the drastic step of ceasing work in ports.

In a post on Facebook, the United Maritime Workers Union expressed their frustration with the lack of cooperation from the Tugboat Owners Chamber. The union’s decision to halt activities in ports for two days serves as a strong message to the Chamber, highlighting the importance of reaching a new agreement. The impact of this work stoppage on the maritime industry in Argentina remains to be seen.

It is important to note that this information has not been altered by Devdiscourse staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed. The situation between the maritime labour unions and the Tugboat Owners Chamber in Argentina is ongoing, with negotiations at a standstill. The temporary cessation of port activities underscores the urgency of resolving the bargaining agreement to ensure smooth operations in the maritime sector.

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