Bosphorus Closed and Tanker Runs Aground in Istanbul Due to Storms

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Powerful storms in the Black Sea region spread to Istanbul, impacting shipping and causing a small tanker to run aground. The storm brought strong winds and heavy rain, leading to flooding and damage to coastal areas and small boats. The Governor of Istanbul ordered the suspension of ferry service and traffic on the Bosphorus, causing commuters to seek alternative transportation.

The tanker Kadriye Ana, loaded with 600 tons of diesel fuel, began dragging its anchor during the storm, prompting the captain to plead for assistance. The vessel suffered hull damage and was taking on water in its engine room. The 11 crewmembers were evacuated using a breeches buoy, and the tugs worked to hold the vessel in place during the storm. With improving weather conditions, the tugs were able to refloat the tanker, which was then towed to a shipyard for repairs.

The storm also impacted shipping in the region, with the suspension of ferry service and traffic on the Bosphorus. The small tanker Kadriye Ana ran aground off the coast of Istanbul, prompting a rescue operation for the 11 crewmembers. The vessel was successfully refloated and towed to a shipyard for repairs.

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