Blue Ammonia Availability for Shipping Unlikely to Be Constrained by CO2 Storage Capacity by 2030: Report

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The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping has released a report stating that the availability of blue ammonia for shipping is unlikely to be constrained by CO2 storage capacity by 2030. The report analyzed the potential carbon storage in carbon capture and storage (CCS) networks and its ability to meet the demand for blue ammonia production in the maritime industry. It also considered various factors that could affect the availability of CCS and blue ammonia, such as industry plans, equipment supply, public policy, permitting time, infrastructure costs, operating costs, and competition from other sectors.

Blue ammonia is seen as an attractive alternative fuel for the maritime industry due to its scalability using existing technologies and low production costs compared to other low-emission fuels. The report found that global CO2 transport and storage capacity is expected to significantly increase in the coming years, which will support the availability of blue ammonia. Most of this expansion will come from regional hub projects that serve multiple industries and emitter sites, reducing infrastructure costs and driving down the cost per tonne of CO2 storage.

Regulatory barriers to increasing CO2 storage are seen as surmountable on a global scale, with several countries already implementing supportive policies and incentives for CCS. However, the establishment of new storage sites can take several years due to the need for characterization, permitting, planning, and construction. Areas with existing oil and gas production have an advantage in terms of reduced characterization and permitting times due to their well-characterized geology.

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