Collaboration Between Maersk and CMA CGM to Promote Eco-Friendly Shipping Fuels

Inauguration of Maersk's first container ship Laura Maersk that sails on green methanol in Copenhagen, Denmark September 14, 2023. Ritzau Scanpix/ Mads Claus Rasmussen via REUTERS
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Shipping companies AP Moller – Maersk and CMA CGM have formed a partnership to drive the global transition to sustainable shipping. Together, the two companies control nearly 30% of the world’s container shipping capacity. Both are committed to achieving net-zero emissions and are investing heavily in green technologies. Maersk has already launched its first of 25 new container ships powered by green methanol and plans to gradually convert its entire fleet to green fuels. CMA CGM has ordered LNG-powered ships, which can also run on bio-methane and bio-methanol. The partnership aims to develop alternative green fuels, establish standards, and accelerate port readiness for bio-methanol bunkering. The companies will also advocate for stricter regulation and support international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the shipping industry.

While the partnership has been welcomed as a milestone in the industry’s decarbonization, some activists are critical of CMA CGM’s continued use of LNG-powered ships. The Ship It Zero campaign is calling on both companies to accelerate their transition to green fuels in order to meet emissions reduction targets. The campaign argues that relying on LNG is not a sufficient solution to address climate change. However, the partnership between Maersk and CMA CGM is seen as an important step towards a sustainable future in shipping. Both companies emphasize the need for collaboration and partnerships across the industry to achieve carbon reduction goals.

Overall, the partnership between Maersk and CMA CGM is expected to drive innovation and the development of sustainable shipping technologies. The companies will work together to establish standards for green fuels, explore alternative fuel options, and support international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector. While there are concerns about the use of LNG-powered ships, the partnership is seen as a positive development towards a more sustainable future for the shipping industry.

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