Döhle’s Commitment to Seafarer Well-being

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DÖHLE Group, a German shipping company, is committed to the well-being of seafarers, gender equality, and sustainable development. Johann Diercks, managing director of Döhle Schiffarts-KG, emphasized the importance of the Filipino community of seafarers and families in the company’s future. The company is also working on promoting gender diversity by introducing female cadets and seafarers into its workforce.

Döhle Seafront, the Philippine manning arm of the group, is focused on the well-being of Filipino seafarers and their families. They recently held the inaugural National Family Day, attended by crew members and their family members, to underscore the trust between the company and its Filipino workforce. Döhle Seafront’s Family Program, in partnership with Educhild Philippines, offers a parenting course and has also created sustainable community units in key cities.

The company is also dedicated to sustainable development through partnerships with organizations such as the International Maritime Employers’ Council and the Dualtech Training Center Foundation Inc. These partnerships aim to provide training and education to maritime cadets and offer working opportunities to scholars from marginalized communities.

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