Svitzer Chooses Kongsberg Digital for Simulator Training at Port of Newcastle

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Global marine services provider Svitzer has chosen Kongsberg Digital to supply simulators for crew training at its Port of Newcastle base in Australia. The deal will help create a training centre of excellence for the deployment of Svitzer’s new TRAnsverse tug vessels, which will enter service in Newcastle in early 2025. The contract includes the delivery of a full-mission 360° K-Sim Navigation simulator configured as a tug bridge, a part-task 180° K-Sim Navigation ship’s bridge simulator, an advanced Instructor System with CCTV monitoring and debriefing, comprehensive instructor training, and a warranty for the entire system. The simulator suite will be installed at Svitzer’s operations facility in Newcastle and will serve the training needs of harbor pilots and tug masters from Newcastle port as well as professionals worldwide. There are also plans to connect the simulator in Newcastle with other simulators globally to enable integrated training across distant locations.

Svitzer Australia’s Chief Operating Officer, David Phillips, said the company is committed to investing in safe and efficient maritime solutions and providing advanced training and technology for maritime professionals. Kongsberg Digital met all the criteria in terms of quality, price, delivery time, support, and warranty, and the collaboration with AMC Launceston, which has modeled the TRAnsverse Tug, brings added value to the project. Are Føllesdal Tjønn, Managing Director of Maritime Simulation at Kongsberg Digital, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership and highlighted the potential for integrated simulation training across extended distances.

The use of simulators in crew training reflects Svitzer’s ongoing investment in towage infrastructure and commitment to upskilling future generations of Australian seafarers. The installation of the state-of-the-art simulator suite in Newcastle marks a transformative phase in training and operations in the maritime sector, setting higher standards for the industry globally.

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