Fishing Vessel Crew’s Swift Rescue Highlights Safety Protocols at Sea

British Marine Accident Investigation Department calls for review of safety in trap fishing after fatal incident
On July 12, 2024, the crew of the fishing vessel "Kingfisher" faced a dangerous situation when one of their sailors was pulled overboard while setting traps. Thanks to his personal flotation device and the quick response of his colleagues, the sailor was successfully rescued. This incident emphasizes the importance of safety and preparedness at sea.
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On July 12, 2024, the crew of the fishing vessel “Kingfisher” was actively setting traps around 30 nautical miles east-northeast of Wick, Scotland. During this process, one of the sailors got caught in the leg rope of a trap and was subsequently pulled overboard. Fortunately, the sailor’s personal flotation device inflated upon entering the water, providing him with some level of safety in the incident.

As the crew on board the “Kingfisher” reacted swiftly to the situation, they utilized the winch on the vessel to assist in retrieving the sailor from the water. Despite the challenging circumstances, their coordinated efforts proved successful in rescuing the sailor from the potentially life-threatening situation. The prompt actions taken by the crew demonstrated their readiness and ability to handle emergencies at sea.

The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that come with working on a fishing vessel, highlighting the importance of safety measures and quick response capabilities. It also underscores the significance of proper training and preparedness for such unforeseen events that can occur while out at sea. The successful rescue operation conducted by the crew of the “Kingfisher” reflects their professionalism and commitment to ensuring the well-being of all members on board.



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