HMM claims 57.7% CO2 emission reduction per container in 10 years

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South Korean container line HMM says it has reduced CO2 emissions per container transported by more than half since 2010.

HMM said CO2 emissions generated per TEU container per kilometer transported by the company fell from 68.7g in 2010 to 29.05g in 2021. This equates to a 57.7% reduction in CO2 emissions over a decade.

HMM credits the reduction in emissions to the deployment of energy-efficient mega container ships, which have more than doubled their fleet capacity over the period from 337,407 TEUs to 755,209 TEUs.

The company has also used antifouling coatings, retrofitted bulb arches and optimized service routes and speeds.

“We will continue to engage in activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions based on data-driven analysis and improve our environmental capacity,” said an HHM official.

Source: News Network

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