LR Awards First Enhanced Antifouling Type Approval to GIT Coatings

GIT Coatings Earns 'Industry-First' LR Type Approval
Lloyd's Register (LR) has granted the first Enhanced Antifouling Type Approval to GIT Coatings, setting a new standard in the maritime industry. This approval addresses the need for effective biofouling management, crucial for decarbonization and marine ecosystem protection. LR's service offers ship owners verified assurances on antifouling coatings' performance.
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Lloyd’s Register (LR) has awarded the maritime industry’s first Enhanced Antifouling Type Approval to GIT Coatings, setting a new standard for antifouling coatings. This approval addresses the growing need for effective biofouling management, which is essential for decarbonization efforts and marine ecosystem protection. LR’s service provides ship owners and operators with verified assurances regarding the performance of antifouling coatings, particularly in terms of hull cleanliness and smoothness before and after grooming, which involves the removal of microfouling to prevent macrofouling on ship hulls.

The award recognizes GIT Coatings for their XGIT-Fuel, a graphene-based hull coating that is the only coating on the market with this grooming approval. The Enhanced Type Approval ensures that XGIT-Fuel maintains its effectiveness before and after grooming, with no increase in roughness or loss in thickness. This coating features an ultra-low friction surface that enhances vessel performance, reduces emissions, and does not contain biocides, silicon oils, or harmful substances. The hull grooming program effectively removes biofouling without damaging the coating or releasing organisms into the marine environment.

Heather Hughes, Team Leader for Non-Metallics and Coating Materials at Lloyd’s Register, emphasized the importance of sustainable coating solutions for the maritime industry as it transitions to a more environmentally friendly future. The Enhanced Antifouling Type Approval aligns with the IMO’s 2023 guidelines for biofouling control on ships to prevent the transfer of invasive aquatic species. This approval goes beyond statutory compliance to help companies meet evolving regulations and protect marine environments. GIT Coatings’ commitment to sustainable, biocide-free solutions supports the industry’s shift towards cleaner, greener practices that safeguard marine ecosystems.



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