NYC Council Mandates Cruise Ships to Use Shore Power for Pollution Reduction

The New York City Council has passed a resolution requiring cruise ships to use shore power at city facilities to reduce air pollution in Midtown Manhattan and Brooklyn. Speaker Adrienne Adams stated the legislation will protect local residents and limit harmful emissions. The measure also includes traffic mitigation plans for each terminal.
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The New York City Council has approved a resolution that will require cruise ships to use shore power when they dock at city facilities in an effort to reduce air pollution in Midtown Manhattan and Brooklyn’s Red Hook neighborhood. This measure is aimed at protecting and supporting residents living near the terminals, as it will limit harmful emissions and mitigate pollution, noise, and other impacts on local neighborhoods. The New York City Economic Development Corporation will be responsible for enforcing the mandate for cruise ships equipped to use shore power.

The resolution also includes the creation of traffic mitigation plans around each terminal to lessen the burden on local residents. While the Brooklyn terminal already has shore power arrangements in place, the equipment is not fully utilized, prompting the legislation to increase usage at this site. The Manhattan terminal currently does not have shore power set up, but discussions are ongoing with cruise operators to implement this system.

Council Member Alexa Aviles, representing Sunset Park and Red Hook, expressed gratitude for the passage of this legislation, calling it a community-led victory that addresses historical issues. Most cruise ships are already capable of using shore power, and efforts are being made to ensure that all vessels can interface with the terminals’ power setup. This resolution marks a significant step towards reducing air pollution and improving the quality of life for residents in these areas.

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