Salvage Operations to Start as Fire Subsides on Stena Tanker

Salvage Ops Set To Begin As Fire Diminishes On Stena
A fire on the Stena Immaculate oil tanker in the North Sea has been greatly reduced, with salvage operations beginning. The incident occurred when the container ship Solong struck the tanker. Crowley is working with U.K. agencies to support response efforts and mitigate environmental impact. Boskalis has been tasked with salvaging the tanker.
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A fire on board the Stena Immaculate oil tanker in the North Sea has been greatly reduced, with no visible flames as salvage operations begin, according to vessel manager Crowley. The incident occurred when the container ship Solong struck the tanker while at anchor on March 10. Crowley is working closely with U.K. agencies to support response efforts, salvage operations, and environmental impact mitigation. The owner of the Solong has described the event as a collision rather than just an impact with a stationary vessel.

The fire on the Stena Immaculate, owned by Stena Bulk, has been significantly diminished, and Crowley is assisting response efforts led by the U.K. Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The vessel is currently stationary at anchor and is being monitored by Crowley representatives, partners, and government authorities during initial salvage activities. Efforts are also being made to prioritize the health and wellbeing of the mariners in Grimsby and to mitigate environmental threats resulting from the incident.

Dutch marine services provider Boskalis has been tasked with salvaging the U.S.-flagged tanker, although it is still uncertain how much fuel may have been released as a result of the incident. Initial assessments suggest that impacts have been limited due to exposure to the fire and evaporation of the Jet A1 fuel. U.K. agencies are monitoring air quality and potential public health impacts onshore, with current measurements showing low or normal levels. Authorities are continuing to investigate the cause of the incident and its consequences, including the arrest of an individual on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter, who is not a member of the Crowley crew.



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