Bangladesh Government Update on Efforts to Free MV Abdullah from Somali Pirates

Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud updated reporters on the progress of efforts to free the Bangladeshi ship MV Abdullah from Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. He assured that the government is working to rescue the sailors unharmed and the ship. The owners have been contacted by the pirates after 9 days.
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Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud provided an update on the government’s efforts to free the Bangladeshi ship MV Abdullah, which was hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean with 23 sailors on board. Mahmud stated that progress has been made in the mission to rescue the sailors unharmed and recover the ship, emphasizing that significant advancements have been achieved.

The government is actively working to release the hijacked ship and ensure the safe return of the crew members as quickly as possible, Mahmud confirmed. He mentioned that they are engaged in various efforts and are in contact with relevant parties to facilitate the rescue operation and secure the sailors’ well-being.

In response to concerns about a potential food shortage on the ship, Mahmud reassured that such incidents have not occurred in previous hijackings and expressed hope that it would not be an issue in this case. The pirates have made contact with the owner of MV Abdullah after holding the vessel and its crew hostage for nine days, signaling a potential development in the ongoing situation.

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