Ships Return to Port after Cyclone Remal

After Cyclone Remal, ships dock again in the port of Chattogram
Before the cyclone hit the port area, 19 ships were unloading cargo but were forced back to sea due to severe weather conditions. Port pilots are gradually bringing them back. 49 cargo vessels at sea had unloading operations suspended at the outer anchorage, but container delivery has resumed from the port premises.
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Before the cyclone hit the port area, 19 ships were unloading cargo but had to be sent back to sea due to the severe weather conditions. The port pilots are now gradually bringing these ships back to the port as the sea is still rough. Additionally, 49 open cargo vessels stationed at sea resulted in the suspension of unloading operations at the outer anchorage. Container delivery from the port premises has now resumed.

Chittagong Port Authority has reported that 45 bulk carriers, which were initially sent back to sea from the outer anchorage, have now been returned to the outer anchorage. This indicates that the situation is slowly returning to normal as the port operations gradually resume. Despite the challenges posed by the cyclone, efforts are being made to ensure the safe return of the ships to the port and resume cargo operations.

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