South Korea’s Geostationary Satellite to Aid Indonesia in Maritime Disaster Prevention

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South Korea’s geostationary communication satellite, Cheollian 2B, will be used to monitor marine environments in Indonesia to help the country handle sea-level rise caused by climate change. Cheollian 2B, which was launched in February 2020, is capable of observing air pollutants and collecting atmospheric and marine environmental information. The Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) has signed an official development assistance agreement with Indonesia to support maritime disaster prevention through the use of Cheollian 2B. The project includes establishing a system for satellite information collection, analysis, and management in Indonesian waters, as well as training programs for Indonesian experts.

Indonesia is at risk of losing about 2,000 islands by 2030 due to sea-level rise. The country has requested South Korea’s assistance in utilizing Cheollian 2B since 2021, and the KHOA has initiated a four-year assistance project starting in 2022. Approximately 6 billion won ($4.4 million) will be invested in the project. KHOA head Lee Cheol-jo believes that this agreement will enable South Korea to produce more accurate satellite data, as Indonesia is considered the best region for satellite calibration and validation.

This collaboration between South Korea and Indonesia aims to address the challenges posed by climate change and rising sea levels. By utilizing the capabilities of Cheollian 2B, Indonesia will be able to monitor and manage its marine environments more effectively, ultimately helping to mitigate the impacts of sea-level rise. The project also highlights the importance of international cooperation in tackling global environmental issues and the role that satellite technology can play in providing valuable data for decision-making and disaster prevention efforts.

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