Spanish police discover 9.5 tonnes of cocaine concealed in bananas

Spanish police make record cocaine bust. Photo: Spanish Police
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Spanish police have made a record seizure of cocaine, discovering 9.5 tons of the drug hidden in banana crates in a shipping container from Ecuador. This is the largest ever amount found in a single container in Spain, and is said to be a major blow to a prominent criminal organization involved in cocaine distribution. The boxes were marked with over 30 different logos, indicating that the cocaine was intended for various European crime gangs. The police did not disclose the name of the organization or the criminal networks involved.

The drugs were found in a refrigerated container on August 23. The criminal organization in Ecuador had a well-established network for transporting drugs to Spain, primarily through the ports of Algeciras and Vigo. They reportedly used an international banana trading company based in Machala, Ecuador’s main banana port, to send up to 40 containers per month, some containing drugs. This seizure highlights the ongoing challenges of combating drug trafficking in Spain and Europe.

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