Three armed robbery incidents reported by ReCAAP ISC from 10th to 16th October

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Three incidents of armed robbery against ships were reported in Asia between October 10th and 16th. One incident occurred in Indonesia while a tanker was anchored at Dumai Anchorage. The other two incidents took place in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, involving a VLCC and a tanker. These incidents add to the 59 reported in the area since January 2023, raising concerns for the ReCAAP ISC. They advise ships to remain vigilant when transiting the area and call on littoral states to increase patrols and enforcement.

In other news, the Philippine Coast Guard has recommended downgrading the threat level of crew abductions for ransom in the Sulu-Celebes Seas from “potentially high” to “moderate.” This decision comes as the threat has diminished due to successful military operations and law enforcement initiatives. The ReCAAP ISC has updated its advisory to ships, suggesting they consider re-routing from the area. However, for those still transiting, extra vigilance is urged, and all incidents should be reported immediately to the relevant authorities.

In light of these incidents, ship masters and crew are reminded to report all piracy and armed robbery incidents to the nearest coastal State RCC and flag State. They should also exercise vigilance and adopt appropriate preventive measures, following the guidelines provided in the Regional Guide 2 to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia.

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