IMO Calls for End to Attacks on Ships in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London condemned attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, calling them illegal and unjustifiable. The resolution demanded the immediate release of hostages and urged peaceful dialogue to resolve the crisis. The Red Sea is a crucial route for oil and fuel shipments.
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The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has called for an immediate end to attacks on ships and seafarers in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee adopted a resolution in London condemning these attacks as illegal and unjustifiable, posing a direct threat to freedom of navigation and causing disruptions to global trade. This resolution comes in response to the Yemeni Houthi group’s seizure of the MV Galaxy Leader cargo ship in November, leading to around 50 subsequent attacks and the continued hostage situation of the ship’s 25 crew members.

The IMO emphasized the reckless actions of the Houthis, putting innocent lives at risk, disrupting humanitarian aid delivery, and destabilizing the region. The Committee called for the immediate and unconditional release of the Galaxy Leader crew members and encouraged peaceful dialogue and diplomacy to resolve the crisis. IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez urged governments and organizations to provide maximum assistance to affected seafarers and work towards a resolution.

The Houthi group has been targeting cargo ships in the Red Sea, particularly those owned or operated by Israeli companies or involved in trade with Israel. This is seen as a show of solidarity with Gaza, which has been under Israeli attack since October. The Red Sea is a crucial sea route for oil and fuel shipments, making the attacks a significant threat to global maritime trade.

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