“Blind women escorted off P&O Cruises ship over ‘health and safety concerns'”.

Removed blind women from P&O cruise ship
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Two blind women from West Sussex, Pam May and Jennie Bailie, have spoken out about feeling humiliated and distressed after being removed from a P&O Cruises ship over “health and safety concerns.” The incident occurred last month and has sparked a debate about the rights of people with disabilities and the responsibilities of service providers. According to ITV News, the women booked their holiday through a travel agent. They claim that P&O Cruises were aware of their visual impairment at the time of booking and agreed to accommodate them for the Southampton holiday. However, upon boarding the ship, they were handed a letter stating “health and safety reasons” and told to disembark.

Pam and Jennie felt embarrassed and humiliated by the situation, comparing their treatment to that of criminals. They were promised an orientation tour and that most of P&O’s ships were equipped with Braille cabins, lift buttons and menus to accommodate visually impaired guests. The travel agent TUI had worked with P&O Cruises on their behalf and had received assurances that disability provisions were in place.

P&O Cruises have since offered the women a full refund for their holiday, including all travel expenses. The incident has highlighted the need for service providers to ensure they are meeting their responsibilities towards disability provisions. Pam and Jennie’s experience serves as a call for action to ensure that all individuals are treated equally and that provisions are put in place to ensure they are not discriminated against.

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