Demand in the tanker market is forcing owners to rely more heavily on cargo pump systems

Demand in the tanker market is forcing owners to rely more heavily on cargo pump systems
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Dutch firm Cargo Care Solutions has reported an increase in the number of tanker owners and managers signing up for its program assessing the condition of their cargo pump systems. A quarterly assessment of the condition of hydraulic oil in the pump system and an annual inspection of the complete system are key to optimal performance, according to the company. Cargo pumps are crucial to the safe transportation of oil and other heavy liquids. Interrupted operation as a result of maintenance requirements can be both costly and significantly disruptive to manufacturers’ supply chains.

Cargo Care Solutions’ Lifetime Support program aims to identify issues with the cargo pump system before they result in downtime or expensive repairs. It includes taking a hydraulic oil sample every three months to test for particle count, water content and total acid number, and an annual inspection of the entire cargo system that includes flushing of all pumps, log analysis and a visual inspection. With the program, tanker operators also get remote support from technical experts at Cargo Care who provide advice via phone or email while the vessel is underway.

Tags: Tanker market,Maritime transport,Tanker owner,Maintenance,Cargo pumping systems,Oil,Transport,Hydraulic oil,Cargo,Cargo care solutions


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