Weathernews and Dataloy Launch Innovative Weather Integration Platform

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Weathernews Inc and Dataloy Systems AS have announced a new integrated solution for refining voyage management based on unique weather data. This collaboration combines Weathernews’ historical seasonal routes and sea margins with Dataloy Systems’ Voyage Management System (VMS), providing streamlined access to critical data and a focus on enhancing voyage quality and profitability. The integration aims to make voyage management smoother and more efficient, ultimately benefiting mutual clients by refining pre-fixture planning, budgeting, and decision-making.

Within Dataloy Systems’ VMS platform, users gain access to a rich archive of vessel employment records, providing a solid basis for making informed commercial decisions. The integration empowers joint customers to make well-informed decisions by selecting alternative routes based on historical weather and weather impact data, ultimately optimizing business in terms of fuel savings and emissions reductions. Henrik Faurschou, Global Product and Market Strategy Leader at Weathernews, emphasizes that the partnership with Dataloy Systems represents an exciting opportunity to simplify the decision-making process for commercial staff, ensuring they make the most optimized choices.

Dataloy Systems CEO Erik Fritz Loy adds that the live integration between the two companies enables smarter, safer, and more sustainable voyage decisions in real time, introducing a dynamic weather routing tool that empowers vessel operators to optimize routes with unparalleled accuracy. The collaboration aims to set a new course for operational excellence in the maritime industry, where informed decision-making leads to safer, more efficient, and environmentally responsible voyages.

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