Ocean Technologies Group (OTG), a global provider of Human Capital Management solutions for the...
Seafarers News
Ship owners and shipping agents support the government's plan to establish a Seafarers' wages...
The engine's explosion and subsequent fire on the Atlantic Destiny led to a chaotic...
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) has released its investigation report on the...
Smartship Australia, a maritime simulation and training hub in Queensland, has implemented a new...
KR, HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE), HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HD...
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has revealed alarming statistics about ship decommissioning in...
One crew member of the oil tanker St. Nikolas has been freed after being...
Ship abandonments increased by 11% last year, with seafarers being treated like modern-day slaves,...
Secretary-General Dominguez condemned attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea and called for...
Crewing provider Danica reports that recruitment of seafarers is getting harder, with 70 percent...
When crew members' wedding plans fell through, their colleagues threw them an impromptu wedding...
Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo requested the release of 18 Filipino seafarers aboard a...
In 2023, at least 132 vessels were abandoned by owners, leaving seafarers without pay...
Seafarers working on ships associated with the UK and US traveling through the Red...