Shipyard Success: Record New Orders Drive Ship Production and Set Specialty Gas Carrier Record

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In the first half of the year, a total of 29 ships were delivered by the three shipyards, which sets a strong base for meeting the yearly production goal. The continuous increase in new orders received by the shipyards in the first six months further solidifies their success. Notably, more than 90% of the total volume of new orders received were for upper and medium-priced ship types, indicating demand for higher-end vessels.

Out of the 63 new orders received by the shipyards, a remarkable 42% were for specialty gas carriers. This includes LNG (liquefied natural gas) carriers, VLEC (very large ethane carriers), and VLGC (very large gas carriers). This staggering figure establishes a new record for the shipyards, reflecting the industry’s growing focus on the transportation of specialty gases.

Overall, the shipyards have demonstrated impressive performance in the first half of the year, both in terms of ship deliveries and new order acquisitions. With a solid foundation laid for achieving the annual production target, the shipyards are well-positioned for future success. The dominance of upper and medium-priced ship types in the new order volume highlights the market’s preference for high-quality vessels. Furthermore, the significant percentage of specialty gas carriers ordered further emphasizes the industry’s evolving needs and the shipyards’ ability to meet them.

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