Several instances of criminalisation of the maritime profession where authorities have acted against seafarers before any charges are proved in an appropriate court of law have been reported in the recent past. In many such incidents, the seafarers were at the receiving end at the port of call as the matter is often handled by people who do not have the basic idea of what can go wrong at sea or onboard. Just like a motor vehicle accident ashore, a mishap may occur at the sea also. At sea, this happens because of circumstances beyond the control of the seafarer. Perhaps it happens because of the negligence of those sitting ashore in arranging proper repair or maintenance of equipments fitted onboard. The seafarers are highly disciplined people who are aware of the high value of the cargo and sophisticated ship they are handling. They will brave their life to avert an accident – and that is the maritime tradition.
When an accident or a mishap occurs at sea, the seafarers become a guinea pig. The law enforcing authorities try to test their skills on admiralty and international law, as they rarely get a species of this kind. They use coercive or third degree methods to extract what they desire to fix a case. The situation becomes pathetic when a translator is not available for the seafarers to express their innocence. The protection of their home country’s legal system or a local legal representation may not be available instantly. It takes days or even months for the shipowners or their agents to turn up and till then seafarers are left to suffer the wrath. If at all they show up, their inclination will be to save the voyage and not the crew. Many seafarers have been subjected to prolonged detention at foreign countries, without charges having been proven against them – separated from their family and loved ones, abandoned by their shipowners & agents and without an idea as to when their ordeal will end.
Any one who flout the law or commits a crime should be punished. And there is adequate international legislation to approach maritime crimes. Several Unions of Seafarers have projected the need to ensure the protection of the rights of seafarers in view of the growing use of criminal proceedings against seafarers, in particular their prolonged detention, as a result of maritime accidents. The incidents that were reported globally and the representation of Seafarers’ Unions provided the background for the establishment of ‘Joint IMO/ILO Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on Fair Treatment of Seafarers’ to finalize guidelines on this issue.
The IMO Assembly at its 24th session in Nov-Dec 2005 adopted a resolution requesting the Joint Committee to finalise the guidelines expeditiously. The resolution urges all nations to respect the basic human rights of seafarers involved in maritime accidents; to investigate maritime accidents expeditiously to avoid any unfair treatment of seafarers; and to adopt procedures to allow the prompt repatriation or re-embarkation of seafarers following maritime accidents. It also invites Governments and non-governmental organizations to record instances of unfair treatment of seafarers in the event of maritime accidents and to provide data to IMO or ILO whenever requested.
The Joint IMO/ILO Ad Hoc Expert Working Group reviewed existing international instruments relating to the issue and agreed a draft resolution, for adoption by the IMO Assembly and the ILO Governing Body. The draft resolution expresses concern that in some cases the grounds for detaining seafarers following a maritime accident have not been clear to the seafarers being detained or to the international maritime community. Also, in some cases, the detained seafarers have been subject to conditions in which their basic human rights appear not to be have been fully respected. The draft resolution further states that, there is a need for recommendatory guidelines as a means of establishing “a framework of legal certainty and consistent good practice” to ensure that, in connection with maritime accidents, seafarers are fairly treated and their rights are not violated. It has also recommended the governments to implement the guidelines with effect from July 2006.
The salient feature of the draft guidelines as per Mr Brian Orrell, who served as Vice President of the Working Group (courtesy : NUMAST press release) are given below.
- The seafarers are ‘entitled to protection against coercion and intimidation from any source during or after any investigation into a maritime accident’.
- The draft lays down principles to be followed by port and coastal state authorities, flag states, the seafarers’ state, shipowners and seafarers.
- In any investigation, seafarers should be ‘treated in a manner which preserves their basic human dignity at all times’.
- Seafarers should have the right to independent legal advice during any investigation, along with any necessary interpretation services.
- Flag states should ensure that owners assist investigations and fund the repatriation of seafarers when employers abandon their crews.
- Seafarers should ensure that they have appropriate interpretation services and fully understand that any statements they make could be used in a criminal prosecution.
- Port and coastal states should ensure that detained seafarers are given the ability to communicate with their families, welfare organisations, owners, trade unions, consular officials and legal representatives.
The guidelines being an instrument with a humanitarian concern, will become a resolution and come up for adoption by the governments very soon. As in the case of any international conventions, the effectiveness depends on the sincere efforts of the governments in implementing it.
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the so called briefing done in the officed pre-joining is such a joke.
how to stop this, when will authorities understand the problem??????????????????
Unfortunately Indian seafarers are very good at debating and airing views. But, when it comes to action we are mute spectators. When a fellow seafarer is killed or goes missing under mysterious circumstances, we just debate on the net. Are we questioniong the DGs office why they are not acting??
We have been talking about the subject since long and now I think that it is the time to act
Seafarers should be summoned by the seniors on board in law matters and to keep in mind that in the case of any casuality let the Master to answer questions from the authorithies and them spell the facts no explinations. Investigators abuse of the rating law understanding.
The concern is appreciable.UK has always been on the forefront of seafarer welfare and innovation.I think it is required that all the Indian seafarers must join MUI(however ineffective it may be) to atleast call themself organised.Any personal eventuality brings out support from all quarters.
I agree that office play big role in operation of ships but it is people on board who run the show. If they decide and refuse to do any illigal act there is no one who can make them do. So let us protect ourselves. Until we do that no one will do it for us. Stop blaming others.
A lot needs to be done for the rights of seafarers who are often victamised by shipping companies. There is a live exampe of a Victamisation of ship master Case no 527/2005 going on in Bombay High Court at present. Please go through article on and
Today ships are run run from the offices based ashore,although the driving is done on board. All repairs and spares are controlled by so called super bosses sitting in the offices but in a casualty these people wash their hands off n pass on the responsibility on the ship crew.
marine supers sitting at the office, if proven guilty,should also be held equally accountable for any accident involving a ship.
Seafarers are always at the recieving end and their criminalisation should be stopped . They are always under pressure from the owners and charterers to run the ship from point A to B. and their employers leave them alone . Why we have chosen this profession?